Below is a list of finalists for this years VAST Video Art Contest 2024. We had an amazing amount and quality of entries this year, totaling 136 videos in all. And out of all of that, our 23 finalists are listed below in alpha editor name order with a short pseudonym / description (to help keep things anonymous) of which video made our showcase:
Bale Wayner, spotlight dancing
BecauseImBored1, huuuah
Cagayakegirlz, celebrity rolling
Chiterra, unusual magic wands
Ileia, ugly purple stole
James Blond, it slices, it dices, it juliennes
L33tmeatwad, versatility
Lara Harb, expensive lighter
MammiKunniaan, yodel-feathers
Qwaqa, gag
Mr. Chow, got ammo?
Nashiironeko, wig cap
Seemslikely, now THAT'S a treasure
Seritulus, run and gun
SilkAMV, bob and weave, weave and bob
SonsofKorhal9, dance like no one's watching
Speedy180, battle prep montage
SpuddStaaa, buckle-up looser!
Takeshi & Kuroo, questionable mascara application
Thefanvideoer2, rabbit
TheLazyDaze, but words don't come out
TritioAFB, word to your mother
Xyik AMVs, bodies go boom
Thank you again and congrats to all of our finalists – good luck all!