Rules for Vending in the Artist Alley

Welcome Artists!

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming convention! In order to ensure that we give the best experience to our guests, all Kawaii Kon Artist Alley applications are juried.

If you have questions, please email us at [email protected]

About Pro Spots

  • Artists may purchase ONE Pro Spot. – For PRINTS, there is no limit to the quantity that can be created/sold. – For all other MERCHANDISE TYPES, such as makeup pouches or acrylic charms, a 100-piece max quantity limit will apply.
  • Pro Spots will include 1 (one) exhibitor membership.
    • Up to 2 additional exhibitor memberships can be purchased with the table at $60 per membership. Any exhibitor memberships purchased after the initial table sale (with this contract) or exceeding the 2 additional memberships will be $100 each.
  • Displays cannot span multiple spaces.
  • Freestanding displays can be up to 10 feet tall, measured from the ground up. (Convention center guidelines dictate that freestanding displays are on a sturdy base.)
  • If you would like to rearrange your space, (i.e. move or remove the table), this is the space for you.
  • Pro Spots will have an 8′ table in a 6’x10′ space.

About Standard Tables

If your wares are 70% or more uniquely crafted by you, then the Standard tables are for you! Some items that are primarily pre-fabricated will not allowed for sale in the Standard section, or only available in very limited quantities. If you are unsure about your merchandise, feel free to email us!

  • Artists may purchase ONE Standard Table.
  • Standard tables will include 1 (one) exhibitor membership.
    • Up to 2 additional exhibitor memberships can be purchased with the table at $60 per membership. Any exhibitor memberships purchased after the initial table sale (with this contract) or exceeding the 2 additional memberships will be $100 each.
  • Displays cannot span multiple tables.
  • Standard tables will not allow free standing displays. All displays must be secured to the table, and can be no higher than 5 feet, measured from the top of the table. Small popup banners which do not encroach into another artist’s space or the aisle will be considered.
  • You may not produce/sell more than 100 copies/units of each item.
  • Standard spaces will be given a 6′ table which can not be removed.

Should I get an Artist Alley table or a Dealer’s Booth?

  • There are different restrictions on what you can sell at each type of table.
  • If your merchandise is drawn or handcrafted by you, an artist alley table is for you!
  • The Dealer’s Room is home to licensed, resold and mass produced merchandise. If that sounds like what you’re selling, please visit our Dealer’s Page.

Where is the Artist Alley located?

  • For 2024, the Kawaii Kon Artist Alley will be located in the Kamehameha Exhibit Hall on the first floor of the convention center.

How much is an Artist Alley table?

Standard Pricing:
(Max 1 table purchase per artist.)

  • Full table (1 6′ foot table + 2 chair +1 exhibitor membership): $275

  • Additional Exhibitor memberships (up to a maximum of 2) may be purchased WITH the contract (at time of table/spot purchase) for $60 each.
    • All Exhibitor memberships purchased thereafter will be $100 each.


Pro Pricing:

  • Pro Spot (One 8′ table in a 10’x6′ space, 2 chair, 1 included exhibitor membership): $500

  • Additional Exhibitor memberships (up to a maximum of 2) may be purchased WITH the contract (at time of table/spot purchase) for $60 each.
    • All Exhibitor memberships purchased thereafter will be $100 each.


How do I purchase an Artist Alley table?

  • Complete and submit the online application form.
  • Online applications will be available through 12/20/2024.
  • All applications, status updates and payments for those accepted will be handled through Eventeny.
When will I be notified if I’m selected or not?
There will be a jury process, in which our staff will jury artists and then we will compile results to determine which artists are accepted, waitlisted, or denied, and begin notifying of status no later than 1/1/2025. Those that are accepted through the jury process will be marked as “approved”. YOUR CARD WILL BE CHARGED UPON APPROVAL. Those who have been waitlisted will be marked as “waitlisted”, and will be notified should space become available. If you are not selected for the waitlist or your artwork does not comply with Artist Alley guidelines, you will be marked as “denied” and no further action need be taken. As a reminder, there are NO refunds or transfers of table sales.
What if I no longer wish to be considered for the Artist Alley?
If you apply for the Artist Alley, no longer wish to have your application considered, and are unable to withdraw your application, please notify the Artist Alley staff via Eventeny message or by emailing [email protected].

Limitations on Sales

  • All vendors will obey federal, state, and local laws and ordinances regarding the sale of material that, intentionally or unintentionally, infringes upon the trademarks or copyrights of another party.
  • Please abide by the state of Hawaii’s new local law regarding the ban of plastic bags.
  • Artists may only sell their own original artwork and creations.
  • Artists cannot sell licensed or logo merchandise unless it can be considered “fan art.”
  • Industry may be present at the show, and certain fan art may violate their trademarks. Please read Funimation’s stance on fan-art to understand what is acceptable and what is not.
  • Artists cannot not sell “mass produced” items. Artist Alley defines “mass produced” as more than 100 units of a single item. Resellers and commercial artists are welcome to purchase booth space in the Dealer’s Room.
  • The sale of real weapons is prohibited in Artist Alley.
  • You may not display material deemed offensive or inappropriate.  The Artist Alley Directors and Kawaii Kon have the sole right to determine what is offensive or inappropriate. You may not sell offensive or inappropriate material to minors (under age 18).

General Rules

  • You may not share your table space with other vendors, resell, sublet, or otherwise profit off the table space itself. If you are purchasing as a group, the table owner (purchaser) will be held liable for any rule violations committed by other vendors at their table.
  • There are no refunds or roll-overs on table sales.  If you cannot attend, please contact us before the event so we may offer the space to another artist on the waitlist. Tables are non-transferable and cannot be sold to another artist.
  • You may not damage, mark, or disfigure any of the provided equipment (including tables, chairs, table skirting, carpets, etc.). Report any accidental damage to the Artist Alley Staff as soon as possible. You may be held responsible for any fines incurred by Kawaii Kon resulting from these damages.
  • There is to be no smoking, burning of objects, or open flame in Artist Alley at any time.
  • Artist Alley Directors and Staff promote a safe and respectful environment for the artists and guests. As such, artists must abide by all instructions given to them by Kawaii Kon and Artist Alley Directors and Staff.  Vendors must also comply to the rules set forth by the Hawai‘i Convention Center.
  • Artists in Artist Alley should conduct themselves in a professional manner.
  • Its Complicated, LLC and Kawaii Kon staff are not responsible for any personal items or merchandise.
  • Confirm you are providing a valid email address and check your email often. If you do not hear from us, contact us at [email protected] to verify your email address. Artist Alley is not liable if you do not receive information because you did not check your email or provided an incorrect email address.

Booth Displays

  • You may play videos/music, but noise levels must be kept to a reasonable level.  Limit volume to no more than 5 feet from your booth. If there are complaints you will be asked to turn down/off your music.
  • No more than 2 chairs will be allowed per full table.
  • Freestanding forms (only allowed in the Pro Spot) must be secure and not endanger public safety.
  • Your items cannot extend into the walkways or into other artists’ spaces.
  • The Hawai’i Convention Center requires the use of special tape on any surface area. Do not tape anything to the floor or pillars.
  • If you require more outlets or if an area poses a tripping hazard, see the Artist Alley staff.
  • Its Complicated, LLC and the Kawaii Kon staff are not responsible for any personal items or merchandise.

If special arrangements are required, please contact the Artist Alley Director no later than 2 weeks before the convention.

What are the Artist Alley Hours?


  • 2:00 PM Artist Alley Set-Up
  • 7 PM Artist Alley Set-Up Closed


  • 9:00AM Artist Alley Setup
  • 11:00AM Artist Alley Opens
  • 8:00PM Artist Alley Closes


  • 9:00AM Artist Alley Setup
  • 10:00AM Artist Alley Opens
  • 7:00PM Artist Alley Closes


  • 9:00AM Artist Alley Setup
  • 10:00AM Artist Alley Opens
  • 4:00PM Artist Alley Closes