Welcome to Tabletop Gaming!

The Tabletop Gaming room provides an inclusive space for gamers and non-gamers to play their old-favorites or learn a new game, purchase tabletop related merchandise, paint minis, play RPGs, or enter a tournament and win prizes. 

Room Hours
Friday: 10am-10pm
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Sunday: 10am-5pm

Please see our Schedule of Events below!

Expansive Board Game Library

Come check out over 800 games in our Board Game Library!  Take a breather to sit with your friends and family, or come make some new friends through a board game.  We just need your ID (Driver’s License, Student ID, State ID, Passport, another form of ID with manager approval, no car keys or credit card) and you can borrow our games. 

Paint and Take

Ever curious about the masterful craft of painting a miniature that you can use for Dungeons & Dragons, or want to paint and talk shop about Warhammer 40k?  Come join us at Paint and Take!  We will provide paint, expert advice, and even a miniature (while supplies last)!  You can also bring your own miniature to paint!  A great place for the introverted artist. 

Dungeons & Dragons

Come join us on an amazing adventure through Dungeons & Dragons.  This year we feature both Casual (good for new players, Level 2 characters) and Competitive (Level 5 characters) Dungeons & Dragons Sessions!  If you ever wanted to create your very own character, we also offer Character Creation sessions, and you can use your characters for Casual and Competitive play!   If you do not have a character no worries, you can use one of our premade characters like Odin the Barbarian, Jaxon the Rogue, or Laurel the Sorceress!  Seats at the adventuring table are limited, so first come first served.  

Dungeons & Dragons Workshops

D&D Workshop: Improve your RPG Improv! 

Friday and Saturday 700pm-800pm, 316 Panel Area

Want to improve your improv in gaming? Well come on down and join us for our workshop where we take you through a series of improv exercises, both physical and intellectually to sharpen your skills both as a player and as a DM!  No experience necessary, and great for beginners!  

D&D Workshop: Mapping out your Adventures! 

Saturday 300-400pm, 316 Panel Area

DMs, this is a workshop for you (or for anyone) to learn the ins and outs of mapping out your campaign, not only through advanced map making techniques and actual practice (you are gonna do some map art!), but also in mapping out the various story beats and elements to improve your overall storytelling skills!  Just show up!

D&D Workshop: Level Up your Dungeon Mastering! 

Sunday 100-300pm, 316 Panel Area

Come learn about the art of Dungeon Mastering through our Competitive DMs Felipe and Mikala.  They will take you through advanced tips, tricks, and sage advice on leveling up your Dungeon Mastering skills.  This is for new, veteran, and future DMs, and anyone who is curious at all about storytelling.  And it doesn’t even cost you one gold!  Just show up!

Warhammer 40k

316 Warhammer 40k Area
In the grim dark future, there is only fun!  Come and get immersed in the Warhammer 40k universe through our demo games! 

Warhammer 40k: Survive the Swarm

Runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, minus maintenance

This is a fast and furious 30 minute game where you take on the role of a squad of the Astartes Space Marines fighting against the horrors of the Tyranid horde.  Can you survive?  Very newbie friendly, very PvE.

Warhammer 40k: Kill Team

Runs Saturday and Sunday, minus maintenance

Test your mettle in a demo game of Warhammer 40k Kill Team, where you take on the role of a squad and fight in a PvP match against another player.  This is more in depth and takes players into the Kill Team game of the Warhammer Universe. 

Warhammer 40k: Gundam Style!

Saturday 200-500pm (give or take)

Ever want to put your Gundam to battle against others in a PvP brawl?  Join us as we adapt the 40k rules for Gundams in this crazy battle for victory!  Bring a Gundam or use one of ours, but it’s better if you bring your own Gundam (1/144 scale please).  We will be using an adapted Imperial/Chaos Knights rules.  Space is limited so first come first serve.  Please sign up at the 316 info booth but will also take walk-ins as alternates.

TCG Tournaments!

Friday and Saturday 430pm-800pm (see schedule), and Sunday 100-230pm Pokemon Pocket only)  316 TCG Area

Come join us for some trading card game tournaments!  Bring your own deck, or deck on on app (for Pokemon Pocket), and battle your opponents to see who is one above all!  We will feature Pokemon Pocket, Pokemon TCG Standard Tournament format, and Magic the Gathering Commander format.  Space is limited.  Please sign up at the 316 info desk but will also take walk-ins as alternates.

General Guidelines

  • Please come with a good attitude, whether you win or lose in a game, have good sportsmanship.  We are all here to have a good time!  Please show the greatest of respect and courtesy to everyone, including our volunteer staff, we are working hard for you.
  • Please take care of our games!  We respect you, and we expect you to respect our games too!  This also means to be careful with food and drinks around the gaming table.  Please be courteous and take care of your trash too.    
  • Our tables and chairs are primarily there for gaming.  We may ask you to move if you are not gaming and if others are looking for space to game.  Some areas may be reserved for special events.

Lastly, we reserve the right to remove you from our room if you consistently break our guidelines and the guidelines/rules of Kawaii Kon. 


Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1000am-1230pm – Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 
  • 1100am-1200pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation
    1200pm-300pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Sessions 1-3 
  • 100pm-400pm – Casual Dungeons & Dragons Session 1 
  • 400pm-600pm – Dungeons and Dragons Character Creation 
  • 500pm-600pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 
  • 600pm-900pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Sessions 4-6 
  • 600pm-900pm – Casual Dungeons & Dragons Session 2 
  • 700pm-800pm – D&D Workshop: Improve your RPG Improv! 

Warhammer 40k

  • 1100am-900pm – Warhammer 40k Survive the Swarm (demo game)

Paint and Take

  • 1100am-900pm – Paint and Take 

TCG Tournaments

  • 430pm-600pm – Pokemon Pocket Tournament
  • 500pm-700pm – Pokemon TCG Standard Tournament
  • 530pm-800pm – Magic the Gathering Commander Tournament


Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1000am-1230pm – Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 
  • 1100am-1200pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 1200pm-300pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Sessions 7-9 
  • 100pm-400pm – Casual Dungeons & Dragons Session 3 
  • 100pm-400pm – BORG RPG! (only one session!)
  • 300pm-400pm – D&D Workshop: Mapping out your Adventures! 
  • 400pm-600pm – Dungeons and Dragons Character Creation 
  • 500pm-600pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 
  • 600pm-900pm – Competitive Dungeons & Dragons Sessions 10-12 
  • 600pm-900pm – Casual Dungeons & Dragons Session 4 
  • 700pm-800pm – D&D Workshop: Improve your Improv 
1:00pm-4:00pm. Cy-BORG rpg! Run by Brandon!
Warhammer 40k

  • 1100am-900pm – Warhammer 40k Survive the Swarm (demo game) 
  • 1100am-900pm – Warhammer 40k Kill team Demo 
  • 200pm-500pm – Gundam 40k Style! Bring a Gundam to 40k! 

Paint and Take

  • 1100am-900pm – Paint and Take 

TCG Tournaments

  • 430pm-600pm – Pokemon Pocket Tournament 
  • 500pm-700pm – Pokemon TCG Standard Tournament 
  • 530pm-800pm – Magic the Gathering Commander Tournament


Dungeons & Dragons

  • 1000am-1230pm – Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation 
  • 100pm-400pm – Casual Dungeons & Dragons Session 5 
  • 100pm-300pm – D&D Workshop: Level Up your Dungeon Mastering! 

Warhammer 40k

  • 1100am-400pm – Warhammer 40k Survive the Swarm (demo game) 
  • 1100am-400pm – Warhammer 40k Kill team Demo 

Paint and Take

  • 1100am-400pm – Paint and Take 

TCG Tournaments

  • 100pm-230pm – Pokemon Pocket Tournament