Welcome members of the Press!

Please read the following below before applying for a press badge for Kawaii Kon


To qualify as “Press” and receive complimentary entrance to this year’s convention, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Media Employment:
    • Currently employed by a recognized active media organization (magazines, newspapers, radio, television, cable or affiliate station, newscast, or online magazine).
    • Online magazines must have a minimum of 10,000 unique hits per month, verified via Google Analytics
  • Assignment Proof:
    • Provide a letter of assignment from the media outlet.
  • Content Creators and Influencers:
    • Must have at least 10,000 followers/subscribers across platforms.
  • Student Journalists:
    • High school and university writers/reporters are encouraged to apply
    • Must provide a letter of intent signed by the applicant and their editor-in-chief or adviser on official school letterhead.
      • Note: Press passes will not be provided for advisers. Chaperones must register through the normal attendee system and pick up their passes at the Hawaii Convention Center’s standard queue.
  • Verification:
    • We may request a business card with the company name, individual name, and contact information, or a recent company pay-stub for additional verification.
    • Business cards without printed contact names will not be accepted due to the risk of misappropriation.
  • Standing 
    • Must be in good standing with Kawaii Kon.
    • Must present a valid government-issued picture ID.
    • Must be at least 18 years of age by or on March 14th, 2025.


  • Organizations may receive a maximum of 2 complementary press badges. 
  • Additional individuals from the same organization must purchase badges at the current registration price.
  • No transfers, roll-overs, pass-ons, or refunds will be given.
  • Hotel, food, and parking are not included with the complimentary badge.
  • Being accepted this year does not guarantee acceptance for the following year


  • Application Review:
    • Status of the application will be sent to the provided email address.
    • Upon acceptance, a confirmation email will be sent, and you will be placed on the press admission list. A picture ID is required when picking up your pass.
  • Deadlines:
    • Online applications must be completed by February 28th, 2025.
    • Late applications may or may not be considered. Information that cannot be verified may result in denial of the press pass.
  • On-Site Registration:
    • Only for exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Press Manager.
    • Badges must be picked up at the Information booth on the 1st floor of the Hawaii Convention Center.
  • Post-Event:
    • All published content must be submitted to [email protected] by April 18th, 2025  for historical records.

Privileges and Limitations:


  • Access to the press entrance at door 4 of the Hawaii Convention Center.
  • Ability to schedule interviews with guests through Guest Relations staff, subject to availability.


  • Press members must adhere to all Kawaii Kon policies.
  • Press members are not allowed in areas designated for authorized personnel only
  • Non-compliance with Press policies or Kawaii Kon policies may result in badge revocation.

Ad Hoc Interviews:

  • Interviews with general members, dealers, and others do not require Kawaii Kon Press approval.

Proper Behavior of Registered Press:

  • Conduct themselves professionally when acting in a press capacity, including:
  • Showing respect to guests, crew, and other participants.
  • Arriving early for scheduled interviews or notifying the Press team of delays.
  • Being prepared for interviews.
  • Complying with photo restrictions set by crew or guests.
  • Refraining from requesting autographs or personal photos with guests post-interview. Photos for coverage must be prearranged during interview scheduling.

Press FAQs

I recently applied for a press pass. How long until I hear whether or not I’ve been approved?
  • The wait time for a response is approximately 2 weeks.
Do press passes come with a guest pass?
  • No. Only the person whose name is on the pass is allowed entry. Every individual must register for his or her own pass.
I plan on bringing a camera operator or photographer to Kawaii Kon with me. Do I need to register them as well?
  • Yes. Each individual MUST have their own pass. Every member of your team must register for a pass either online or on-site.
I need to register for my entire team, is this possible?
  • Yes, but you’ll need their basic info handy (full name, email, phone, etc.) A confirmation email will then be sent to them and they’ll need to finalize the registration on their own. Complimentary press passes are limited to 2  people per company. If your team consists of more than 2 people, additional employees can gain entrance at the regular rate.
I will only be at Kawaii Kon for a few hours. Do I still need to register?
  • Yes. We have security throughout the convention area that will stop you from entering the third and fourth floors, and the exhibit hall if you do not have a pass.
I’m a freelance reporter. Will I be accepted?
  • Freelance reporters must present at least 2 articles authored by them that have been featured on either an online or print news magazine.
A member of my team is not able to make it. Can I send someone else in their place?
  • No. Each pass issued belongs only to the person whose name is on the pass. If you are going to send someone else, they need to apply online before the cutoff date, only exceptional cases will onsite registration be allowed.
I was not approved for a press pass and feel this was an error. Where can I send my credentials?
  • Please send a copy of your credentials to [email protected]. If you have questions on what to include, please see the top of this page page.
I wasn’t able to register before the online cut-off date. Can I still apply?
  • For exceptional cases only will on-site registration be allowed. You must still email [email protected] your intentions and we will provide additional instruction. You must still meet all qualifications listed at the top of this page.
Does my press pass give me access to all ticketed events?
  • Yes and no. Outside of ticketed events there will be a log for members of the press. You are welcome to view the event, but if you want to participate you must purchase a pass. In either case we ask that you wear the events appropriate attire.
Can you send me my press pass in the mail so I don’t have to pick it up?
  • No. Due to security concerns, you must present a valid picture ID to a Kawaii Kon staff member in order to pick up your press pass.
When / where can I pick up my press pass?
  • We will email all approved members of the press a detailed description of when, where and how to pick up your press pass once that information is confirmed.
Can I send a runner to pick up my company’s press passes or do I need to do it in person?
  • No, each individual must pick up his or her press pass in person. A valid picture ID must be presented.
Do I need to carry my press pass with me everywhere?
  • Yes. You will not be allowed entry into any Kawaii Kon event without it. No exceptions.
What if I lose my press pass on-site?
  • In the event that you lose your pass, please visit the registration area and we will sell you a new pass for the at door price.
Is there a Kawaii Kon mailing list?
  • The Kawaii Kon mailing list receives all pertinent programming and guest announcements for this year. Please sign up for it in the footer of this page if you would like to receive these updates.
Will there be interpreters on hand for the guest panels and press conferences?
  • Yes. If a non-English speaking guest is holding a panel or conference, a professional interpreter will be on hand to assist.
Who can I talk to about obtaining an official interview from a Kawaii Kon representative? Who can I talk to get more info or background on Kawaii Kon?
Photo / Video Policy
  • These guidelines are subject to change. At no point should any footage/photography taken at Kawaii Kon be sold for profit. Photography and video is permissible in the common areas and in most panels. You will be notified by KK staff or a posted sign if photo/video is not allowed in a particular event. Please respect our attendees and Guests wishes if they decline to be photographed or filmed. Failure to comply with this request can result in expulsion from Kawaii Kon.
    • Opening /Closing Ceremonies: Flash photography / video allowed throughout.
    • Cosplay Showcase . Flash photography / video allowed throughout.
    • Muscial Concerts . You may videotape from the side during the first 20 minutes of the event only. Non-flash photography is allowed throughout.
What is the best or most exciting day to attend Kawaii Kon?
  • Every day of KK is exciting but if there is a particular type of event you are looking for please check our online schedule. Your press pass will allow you access to Kawaii Kon all 3 days.
Where can I get information about the Guests?
  • As they are announced, all guest biographies will be posted on our website under the Guest tab on the top menu bar.
My question wasn’t answered. Who can I follow up with?
Who can I talk to if I don’t meet the press requirements but think I should still be given a press pass?