Welcome to Tabletop Gaming!

The Tabletop Gaming room provides an inclusive space for gamers and non-gamers to play their old-favorites or learn a new game, purchase tabletop related merchandise, paint minis, play RPGs, or enter a tournament and win prizes. We’re located in Room 316ABC for board games / Large Games / Paint and Take and Room 313ABC for RPGs, Social Deduction, and miniatures, featuring over 24,000 square feet of tabletop gaming goodness!

Hours of Operation:

  • Friday: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
  • Saturday: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm
  • Sunday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Code of Conduct

The Tabletop Gaming room is a family-friendly area. Please conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.

  • The Tabletop Gaming room is a family-friendly area.  Please conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.
  • You may bring and play games with mature content in the Tabletop Gaming room, however, your behavior while playing the game must be appropriate for a family-friendly area.  If at any time the Tabletop Gaming Staff feel you or your group are violating the family-friendly nature of the room, you may be asked to stop playing that game or to leave the room.
  • Drinks with caps are allowed in the TTG area; however, NO FOOD is allowed to be consumed in the room.
  • Tabletop Gaming Room tables are reserved for convention attendees who are actively playing tabletop games.

Board Game Library

The Tabletop gaming room has a varied selection of games available to borrow at no additional cost. Games will be exchanged for your photo ID. See our Game Librarians to check out the games to loan.  If you don’t know how to play the game, ask one of our staff members for a quick tutorial!

  • Located in room 316
  • From perennial favorites to brand new hotness, check out our growing library of over 800 games here: https://www.tt-oahu.com/!
  • Walk through our library and ask any of our Game Advisors for a suggestion, or check out our recommended games!
  • To guide your board gaming experience, we have a simple color coding system-
    • Go For It! (Green) – These games are easy enough that anybody can figure it out with a couple of minutes and the rules.
    • We Will Help (Yellow) – If you’re an experienced gamer, then carry on! If you’re new to games, you may want some expert help with this. Our staff will help if they can!
    • Read the Rules (Red) – You’re on your own for this one! This game is too long and complicated for our staff to teach on a busy night.
    • Family (Yellow Happy Face =) ) – Family games are kids friendly! Age 10 and lower.
    • 2-Players (Blue) – These games are exclusively for 2-Players only

Scheduled Game Demos

Want to learn how to play a hot new game? Come to one of our industry-sponsored game demo events and learn from one of our staff! If you can’t get enough, check it out of our library and play again!

  • Located in room 316
  • Times and games will be posted on our schedule and run throughout the weekend!

Board & Card Game Tournaments

Various national card and board game tournaments are run throughout the weekend! Win prizes and a chance to go participate in a Regional or National competition!

  • Located in room 316
  • All tournaments are free unless otherwise noted.
  • Most tournaments will have a teaching session scheduled beforehand to teach you how to play the game.
  • Some tournaments may have an age requirement. Winners of qualifiers or championships will require adult accompaniment for the next step of the tournament.
  • Confirmed Tournaments:
    • 2024 CATAN National Qualifier ($5 entry fee)
      • Saturday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
      • 24 players maximum
      • https://fb.me/e/VaNFNjXw
      • https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/95ER31YYAF
      • Kawaii Kon is hosting an official CATAN United States National Championship Qualifier Tournament.
      • The Qualifier Winner will win a guaranteed seat at the 2024 Catan United States National Championship Tournament, location and date to be announced.
      • The 2024 CATAN United States National Champion will be sent to the CATAN World Championship (location to be determined), courtesy of Catan Studio.
      • In CATAN (formerly The Settlers of Catan), players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn dice are rolled to determine what resources the island produces. Players build by spending resources (sheep, wheat, wood, brick and ore) that are depicted by these resource cards; each land type, with the exception of the unproductive desert, produces a specific resource: hills produce brick, forests produce wood, mountains produce ore, fields produce wheat, and pastures produce sheep.
  • 2024 Hawaii State Championships:
    • Finger Guns at High Noon
      • Friday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
      • 16 players maximum
      • A fast-paced game of strategy, negotiation, and pure hilarity – battle royale style. Craft your plan, convince the crowd to join in, then count down and draw your finger guns. Hand gestures show everyone’s actions and targets. Eliminate players with pistols, dynamite, and power shots, or stand to the side and lasso up an ally. Last player standing is the winner! The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Coup
    • Friday 7:00 pm – 10:00 am
    • 16 players maximum
    • You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive… In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
    • Saturday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
    • 12 players maximum
    • A beautifully crafted 2-player abstract strategy game from Smirk & Laughter. Your turn is in two parts. First, a player may move one of their stones up to two spaces in any direction, including diagonally, in what is called a passive (or set up) move. Second, they take a more aggressive move, which must be the same direction and number of spaces as the first move. It is this second move that allows you to push stones across the board – or off the board’s edge. Remove all four of your opponent’s stones from just one of the four boards to win. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Bohnanza
    • Saturday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 
    • 16 players
    • Plant, then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards, and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type of beans in the deck. You can’t rearrange the order of cards in hand, so you must use them in the order that you’ve picked them up from the deck – unless you can trade them to other players, which is the heart of the game. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • boop.
    • Saturday 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    • 12 players
    • A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players. Every time you place a kitten on the bed, it goes “boop.” Which is to say that it pushes every other kitten on the board one space away. Line up three kittens in a row to graduate them into cats… and then, get three cats in a row to win. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Silver
    • Sunday 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • 16 players
    • Your village has been overrun by savage werewolves, which are represented by the number on each of the cards that make up your village. To get rid of these fanged fiends faster than the neighboring villages, use your residents’ special abilities and your powerful secret weapon: A silver amulet. Call for a vote when you think you have the fewest werewolves, but be careful; everyone else gets one more turn to save their own village first… The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Cat in the Box
    • Saturday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
    • 16 players
    • The quintessential quantum trick-taking card game for cool cats, where your card’s color isn’t defined until you play it! Hypothesize how many tricks you will win, and record your bid. Place tokens on the community research board as you play your hand, and connect large groups of tokens to score even more points. Plan your tricks carefully as you cannot claim the color of a card with the same number that has already been declared. Doing so would be pawsitively catastrophic as you have just created a paradox! The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Skull King
    • Saturday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
    • 16 players
    • Brent Beck’s Skull King is a trick-taking game similar to Oh Hell!, Wizard and Spades, with players needing to state how many tricks they think they’ll win each round. Pirates and other special cards add to the strategy. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • Dimension 
    • Sunday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm 
    • 16 players
    • A fast-paced, innovative puzzle game that takes place in three dimensions with 60 colorful spheres. All of the players play at the same time. Everybody tries to position the spheres on their trays to earn as many points as possible. The task cards indicate how the spheres must be placed to earn points. Complete these tasks while racing against the timer. You get a point for each sphere you use and a bonus token for using all five colors, but you lose two points for each task card you don’t follow correctly. Prove to your opponents that you are the master of multi-dimensional thinking! The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the West Coast Regional Championship at RAGECON 2024 (as well as a free badge to RAGECON 2024)!
  • 2024 U.S. National Championship Qualifiers:
    • The 2024 U.S. National Bicycle Spades Championship Qualifier
      • Friday 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
      • 16 Players
      • The United States Playing Card Company and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Spades Championship at Gen Con 2024. Strict Hoyle rules will be used for partnership Spades. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winning team will receive trophies and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Spades Championship at Gen Con 2024 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2024!). You can enter with an established partner or find one at the event.
  • The 2024 U.S. National Bicycle Euchre Championship Qualifier
    • Saturday 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
    • 16 Players
    • The United States Playing Card Company and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Euchre Championship at Gen Con 2024. Strict Hoyle rules will be used for partnership Euchre. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winning team will receive trophies and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Euchre Championship at Gen Con 2024 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2024!). You can enter with an established partner or find one at the event.
  • The 2024 U.S. National Bicycle Hearts Championship Qualifier
    • Sunday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • 16 Players
    • The United States Playing Card Company and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Hearts Championship at Gen Con 2024. Strict Hoyle rules will be used for single-player Hearts. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winner will receive a trophy and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Hearts Championship at Gen Con 2024 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2024!)
  • The 2024 U.S. National Munchkin Championship Qualifier
    • Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
    • 24 players
    • Steve Jackson Games and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Munchkin Championship at Gen Con 2024. Slightly modified tournament rules for standard Munchkin play, no expansions. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winner will receive a trophy and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Munchkin Championship at Gen Con 2024 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2024!).
  • Fire Tower Tournament
    • Friday 4PM – 7PM
    • 16 players
    • There will be a teach session first to ensure everyone is familiar with the rules of the game.
    • While manning your fire tower you notice smoke in the distance and pull out your radio to report a blaze growing somewhere in the forest. You must protect your tower with all the resources at your disposal: dispatch fire engines to combat the blaze, order air drops of water, and plan the building of firebreaks. Competing fire departments will complicate your work, using the unrelenting winds to their advantage in an attempt to safeguard their own towers and threaten yours. The chaotic Firestorm also stalks the deck and will dramatically swell the flames each time it is drawn. Will you effectively use your forces to outwit your opponents and survive the inferno? Can you be the last tower standing?
    • Fire Tower is a competitive game where players must fight fire with fire. Most fire fighting games have a cooperative aspect with players working together to beat back the flames, but in Fire Tower your only objectives are to protect your own tower and spread the blaze towards your opponents. The game plays 2-4 players, ages 12+, and takes 15+ minutes. Action cards allow players to alter the direction of the wind, and add varying patterns of fire, water, and defensive barriers to the board. The skill comes in effectively directing the resources in your hand and using sound spatial planning to deploy them.
    • The game incorporates an intuitive play structure that takes minutes to learn and requires negligible set-up. Each card includes a grid that visually explains the ways it can be used, saving new players from having to constantly refer to the rulebook. Although the core mechanics are easy to grasp, an ever shifting environment forces players to switch up their tactics and experiment with varied strategies, making Fire Tower a difficult game to master and each play through a fresh experience.

Board Game Sponsors

Play-and-Win Games

Play-and-Win Games are donated by publishers for you to test out and have a chance at bringing them home at the end of the weekend!

  • Located in room 316
  • Each time an attendee completes a playthrough of one of the games on the Play to Win list, they receive a blank entry form. All players who participated in playing the game may fill out a form to be turned into a Game Librarian upon return of said game. The drawing for the winner for each copy of the eligible games will be done one at a time beginning on Sunday. Only those present at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win.
  • A non-playing teacher of a game may also earn an entry on a Play to Win game list by notifying a Librarian (see Rule 1) and having the players of the game confirm them as their teacher for a given playthrough.
  • Play and Win Rules
  1.  You must notify someone at the Board Game Librarian desk before you start playing one of the Play to Win titles if anyone playing wants to be eligible for the drawing. This helps the Board Game Librarians fairly track those involved.
  2. For teachers, there can only be one non-playing teacher per play session.
  3. You must sign-out a publisher-provided copy from the Librarian desk before you start playing.
  4. Only one copy of a game can be signed out per group at a time.
  5. You cannot sit on a signed-out copy of a game while playing something else. Some allowance can be given on a case-by-case basis for those about to finish up a game and are looking to play one of the eligible Play to Win titles.
  6. Games must be played to completion in order to be eligible to receive an entry form.
  • Current Play-and-Win Games Titles:

  • Stonemaier Games
    • Apiary
    • Expedition
  • AMIGO Games
    • Dealt!
    • What the Heck?
  • Arcane Wonders
    • Furnace
    • Picture Perfect
  • Ares Games
    • Masters of the Night
    • Hunt for the Ring
    • Inkognito
  • Asmadi Games
    • Good Puppers
    • We Didn’t Playtest This at All
  • Bad Comet
    • Life of the Amazonia
  • Bezier Games
    • Werewords Deluxe
  • Breaking Games
    • Convert
    • Mansplaining
  • Brotherwise Games
    • The Dragon Prince
    • Overboss: A Boss Monster Adventure
  • Connected Clues LLC
    • Connected Clues
  • Dragon Dawn Productions
    • Beyond the Rift
    • White Hat
  • Enginuity
    • Spicy Dice
  • Gamelyn Games
    • The Last Kingdom Board Game
    • Tiny Epic Crimes
    • Tiny Epic Zombies
  • Grandpa Beck’s Games
    • Another Man’s Treasure
    • Toil & Troubles
    • Reign of Dragoness
  • Horrible Guild
    • Railroad Ink Challenge (Shining Yellow)
  • Imps and Monsters
    • Badlands Rivals
  • Incredible Dream Studios
    • Kinfire Delve: Vainglory’s Grotto
  • Indie Game Studios
    • Crossed Words
    • DigSaw
  • JayZee Games
    • Chroma Mix
  • Leder Games
    • Fort
    • Ahoy
  • Left Justified Studio
    • Broken and Beautiful
  • Meromorph Games
    • Atma Season 2
  • Portal Games
    • Dreadful Circus
  • Runaway Parade
    • Fire Tower
  • Smirk & Dagger Games
    • The Spill
    • The Deadlies
  • Steve Jackson Games
    • Pathfinder Revolution
    • Groo: The Game
  • Stonemaier Games
    • Apiary
    • Expeditions
  • Thames & Kosmos
    • High Score
  • The Op
    • Aqua
  • Wattsalpoag Games
    • Echidna Shuffle
  • Weird Giraffe Games
    • Roar and Write
    • Gift of Tulips
    • Studies in Sorcery

Role-Playing Game (RPG) Sessions

Have you heard about games like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) from popular media, and want to try it out? Stop by our RPG room and sign up for a game! Our Game Masters will teach you the rules and get you rolling dice in no time!

  • Located in room 313
  • No experience needed!
  • No sign ups necessary. Check out the Quest Boards!
  • Please note the start AND end times and make sure that you have ample time to complete the session.
  • Some sessions are for mature players and may not be suitable for younger audiences. This will be noted at sign up.
  • Sponsored games:
    • Atlas Games
      • Magical Kitties Save the Day
    • Nomnivore Games
      • Emberwind
    • Monte Cook Games
      • Numenara
      • Old Gods of Appalachia
      • Stealing Stories for the Devil
      • The Devil’s Dandy Dogs
      • We Are All Mad Here
    • Meromorph Games
      • Atma Season 2
    • Adventures in Filbar
      • Mansion of the Mad Mage

RPG Sponsors

Social Deduction Room *NEW!*

Are YOU a Werewolf? A traitor? A cultist? A spy? Find out who is by playing some of your favorite Social Deduction games in our Social Deduction Room! 

  • Located in room 313
  • Gather a group or make some new frenemies
  • Bring your own game or borrow from us!
  • Sponsored Games:
    • AMIGO Games
      • Saboteur
    • Arcane Wonders
      • Dubious
    • Bezier
      • One Night Ultimate Werewolf
      • One Night Ultimate Vampire
      • One Night Ultimate Alien
      • One Night Ultimate Super Heroes
      • One Week Ultimate Werewolf
      • Ultimate Werewolf Extreme
    • Breaking Games
      • It Dies With Me
      • We’re Doomed
    • Facade Games
      • Tortuga 1667
      • Salem 1692
      • Deadwood 1876
      • Bristol 1350
      • Hollywood 1947
    • Indie Game Studios
      • Quest
      • The Resistance
      • Don’t Mess With Cthulhu Deluxe
      • One Night Revolution
      • Exodus: Paris Nouveau
    • Smirk & Dagger Games
      • Dead Last
    • Thames & Kosmos
      • Inside Job

Mini Panels / Workshops

No time for a full-length role-playing game? Not sure what you’re getting yourself into? Check out our mini-panels and workshops! Get tips and tricks on how to play RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and more in these bite-sized informational events. Our Game Masters will get you ready to jump into a role-playing game or start your own campaign with confidence!

  • Located in room 313
  • For all experience levels, from complete beginners to more advanced gamers!
  • Mini-panels and workshops are each one hour long.
  • Most sessions are system-agnostic, meaning the tips you learn will be useful for many different types of RPGs.
  • Each session has a Question & Answer (Q&A) portion at the end, so that you can ask for advice tailored to your gaming needs. Our Game Masters are happy to help!

Paint and Take

Want to learn how to paint a miniature but don’t know how to get started? Come to one of our Paint and Take sessions! Our master painters will give you tips to get started!

  • Located in room 316
  • No experience necessary!
  • Minors must be accompanied by an adult during the event.
  • Seats are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • 10 seats will be provided miniatures, 10 seats are bring-your-own. Miniatures are available at The Armchair Adventurer for purchase.
  • Must be present during roll-call or seat may be forfeited.
  • Sessions every other hour throughout the weekend. Passes will be available at the Tabletop Info Booth 15 minutes prior to the next session.

Paint Sponsor


Shop around and meet local and industry experts! Learn something new, or learn about an upcoming new product or event!

Industry Vendors

  • Nomnivore Games
    • Nomnivore Games (NOM) is an award-winning indie game studio from Ontario, Canada, that firmly believes that anyone and everyone deserves a seat around the gaming table. All of our games are designed to be family-friendly, neurodivergent-friendly, and good for players of all interests and experience levels. To advance the industry while respecting the long and storied history of tabletop gaming, our approach toward game design fuses together top-shelf writing, artwork, and a wide variety of other specialities—like statistics, psychotherapy, theatre, and more—to introduce all manners of people to the imaginative world of gaming while delivering lots of laughs and fun for everyone.
  • Crab Fragment Labs
    • Crab Fragment Labs is a harmless byproduct of designer James Ernest, who struggles against his better nature to create an implausible profusion of original tabletop games.


Friendly Local Game Stores:

  • The Armchair Adventurer
    • The Armchair Adventurer is your Friendly Local Game Store, in the heart of Honolulu.  We offer a wide range of games, from board games to role-playing games.  We have tabletop miniature games, in multiple genres, fantasy to sci-fi to historical to superheroes.  There are also collectible card games and hobby supplies.  Feel free to stop in, we have 6 gaming tables and a board game library available for everyone to use.  Store hours are 11am to 10pm, every day of the week.  Or you can see what’s going on at our website, armchairhi.com.


Local Community Groups

  • The Honolulu Go Club
    • The Honolulu Go Club is an organization to promote the Asian board game of Go.  Our members are of various ages and from beginners to more experienced.  We meet every Saturday to play and to also teach Go.  Membership is free and we invite anyone that wants to play Go to join our club.  Email [email protected] for information.
  • Aloha Adventurer’s Guild
    • This group was created to provide information about Honolulu Libraries Literacy program through Role playing. Currently the Guild is running beginner programs at select libraries around Oahu. Events will be posted on this site. Come and Learn the basics of Role playing. Then you can borrow a book from the Library to learn more. We are currently covering the world of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. With a simple introduction to the mechanics and 1st level adventures, designed to help people learn the game system.


Large Games Area

Join us for several “larger scale” events! These games and events are very new player friendly, designed to let you have some fun and enjoy a great time with your friends too!  Be a part of one of the largest Werewolf games in Hawaii, where you take on the role of a villager or a werewolf just trying to survive the season!  Engage and learn King of Tokyo, but giant sized!  Be enthralled by the spectacle that is the Cardboard Megabrawl!  Also come and delve in one of our mini-panels about gaming and level up as a tabletop gamer!

  • Located in room 316
  • Games and times will be posted on our schedule and run throughout the weekend!
  • No experience necessary!  Very new player friendly!
  • Giant Sized King of Tokyo requires sign up, games are about 20-30 minutes long
  • Werewolf is a fun social deduction experience, we can take up to 50 players!  Games can last up to 2 hours but folks can leave early if they want to.  Please show up on time for Werewolf.
  • To participate in Cardboard Megabrawl, please sign up ahead of time and show up on time for the armor build.
  • To watch the Cardboard Megabrawl, just show up!  No need to sign up!

Miniature Tabletop Strategy Games

Learn to play some of the most popular miniature-based tabletop strategy games ranging from the high magical fantasy settings of Age of Sigmar, to the sleek neon science-fiction setting of Infinity.  Play on beautiful scenic battlefields with wonderfully painted miniatures, and learn from players in our Hawaii tabletop community that love these games and want to share them with you.  

  • Located in room 313
  • One or two players at a time for each game, and demos take about an hour.  Choose a game, pick an army or mech, shake hands with your opponent, and roll some dice.


Skirmish Games

  • Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness – The 18 Space Marine Legions, once united in a crusade to consolidate all humanity beneath the Emperor’s banner, are riven by betrayal. Now, they fight each other in the bloodiest conflict the galaxy has ever known. Where do your loyalties lie?
  • Full Thrust – The award winning science fiction tactical starship wargame published by Ground Zero Games of England.
  • Infinity – An exciting and action-packed science fiction wargame set in the near-future where secret missions, black ops, and covert actions determine the destiny of Humankind.
  • Warhammer 40K 10th Edition – Command armies of Citadel miniatures in this tabletop wargame and attempt to defeat your opponent through a mixture of skill, tactics and luck.
  • Heroclix – The #1 Selling Collectible Miniatures Game in the World. You can be the hero you’ve dreamed of or the villain of your nightmares. With thousands of characters to choose from and maps of terrain from all over the universe, who knows where HeroClix will take you.

Industry Sponsors


  • Wyrmwood Gaming (https://wyrmwoodgaming.com/)
    • Since 2012, Wyrmwood has been a leader in unrivaled craftsmanship, innovative design, and peerless customer service from purchase to delivery. Experience Wyrmwood’s famed quality, and your games will never be the same. Check out the tables in both rooms 313 and 316!


  • Double Exposure Inc. – Envoy (https://www.dexposure.com/envoy/index.html)
    • Established in 2014, Double Exposure’s Envoy program is the gold standard for tabletop game demo teams across North America – representing over 75 game publishers at physical conventions, stores and meetup groups of every type.

Industry Sponsors