Love Video Art?

The Video Art Showcase Theater (or VAST for short) presents fan-made videos from all over the world. Fan-made videos are made by you, the fans!

What is ‘Video Art’?

  • Kawaii Kon defines video art as a fan made video production blending a variety of audio and video sources into a new form of expression.
  • While traditionally other conventions predominantly center on AMV, or anime music videos – videos composed of anime clips set to music – VAST is dedicated to expanding our video offerings to include all forms of video art and provide a broader array of entertainment to our audience.

How can I see AWESOME video art?

  • Annually at Kawaii Kon, The VAST Video Art Contest showcases the best of the video art entries entered that year, all competing for the top prize of “Best in Showcase” award. The audience also has a say too by helping us select the “Fan Favorite” video from the finalists.

How do I find out more about Video Art?

The AMV Watercooler is your best option! Hosted by the VAST’s veteran editors, it is an open forum to ask any questions about the art and craft of making AMVs in general. We will do our best to answer them.

I still have questions.

  • For more information about the Video Art Showcase Theater please contact us at [email protected]